Disposable Instrument Set Hand Surgery

SIRACO presents : Disposable Instrument Set Hand Surgery

In the past, reusable instrument sets for hand surgery were and are still available available from well-known and various suppliers.

More and more users asked us for a universally usable, cost-effective disposable instrument set in the usual top quality.

Instrument set in the usual top quality based on good reusable instruments.

A solution for almost all previous needs in this respect had to be available promptly.

This was achieved by Burkart Medizintechnik AG, Beromünster, in collaboration with various Swiss specialist departments on the basis of previously available re-useable instrument models and new disposable components and BURKART ordered them for production.

This is a disposable instrument set consisting of the following instrument components:

1 X carbide needle holder

4 X = 1 X scissors each Mini-Standard-Stevens curved, surgical sp/st straight

2 X micro forceps each 1 X narrow and 1 X standard 

2 X curved micro forceps

10 X retractors
each 2 X retractors 1 prong sharp,
each 2 X retractors 4 prong sharp,
each 2 X retractors standard diagonal blunt,
each 2 X retractors Roux blunt,
each 2 X each Mini Retractor Standard diagonally blunt

1 X mini retractor

2 X scalpel blades and 2 X scalpel handles

1 X instrument tray

1 X syringe 10ml

The disposable instrument set is subject to a different classification than reusable instruments and therefore instruments and therefore complies with the current regulations.

Disposable Instrument Set Hand Surgery TC needle holder open view
TC needle holder open view
Disposable Instrument Set Hand Surgery TC needle holder before first tooth ratched
TC needle holder before first tooth ratched
Disposable Instrument Set Hand Surgery 4 scissors open view mini-standard-Stevens
4 scissors open view mini-standard-Stevens curved – surgical scissor straight
Disposable Instrument Set Hand Surgery 4 scissors closed blades view mini-standard-Stevens
4 scissors closed blades view mini-standard-Stevens curved – surgical scissor straight
Disposable Instrument Set Hand Surgery Micro dressing forceps small and standard tip open
Micro dressing forceps small and standard tip open
Disposable Instrument Set Hand Surgery Micro dressing forceps small and standard
Micro dressing forceps small and standard
Disposable Instrument Set Hand Surgery Curved micro clamps ratched closed and open
Curved micro clamps ratched closed and open
Disposable Instrument Set Hand Surgery Curved micro clamps
Curved micro clamps
Disposable Instrument Set Hand Surgery Wound retractors 1 pronged sharp
Wound retractors 1 pronged sharp
Disposable Instrument Set Hand Surgery Wound retractors 4 pronged sharp
Wound retractors 4 pronged sharp
Disposable Instrument Set Hand Surgery Wound retractors standard diagonal blunt
Wound retractors standard diagonal blunt
Disposable Instrument Set Hand Surgery Mini wound retractors standard diagonal blunt
Mini wound retractors standard diagonal blunt
Disposable Instrument Set Hand Surgery Wound retractors Roux style blunt
Wound retractors Roux style blunt
Disposable Instrument Set Hand Surgery Hook retractors total overview 5 types 2 each
Hook retractors total overview 5 types 2 each
Disposable Instrument Set Hand Surgery Mini-retractor frontal view
Mini-retractor frontal view
Disposable Instrument Set Hand Surgery Sideview mini-retractor
Sideview mini-retractor

Disposable Instrument Set Hand Surgery Scalpel blades and scalpel handles
Scalpel blades and scalpel handles
Disposable Instrument Set Hand Surgery Scalpel handles with connected blades
Scalpel handles with connected blades
Disposable Instrument Set Hand Surgery Instrument tray side view
Instrument tray side view
Disposable Instrument Set Hand Surgery Instrument tray horizontal view
Instrument tray horizontal view

Disposable Instrument Set Hand Surgery Instrument Syringe 10ml
Syringe 10ml

SIRACO is responsible for Germany + Austria
Sales start: January 2022

If you are interested in F/M/K -21.15.33 by the manufacturer FDC please confirm this by e-mail: siraco@ymail.com.

We would be pleased to hear from you and remain with kind regards

Ute Luz

Special medical technologies and services since 2006
D- 78315 Radolfzell – Germany